
Our animated pop-up video series explores how much personal information we encounter on a daily basis. Join Joan over the course of 4 episodes as she goes in for a routine visit to the dentist.

Episode 1

The first episode follows Joan as she arrives at the dentist and prepares for her appointment.


CUD.pngEpisode 2 

Joan gives various forms of her personal information to the receptionist as a routine part of her visit. 


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Last month, we learned the basics of notification and consent. This month it’s back to the dentist office with Joan as we take a look at the authority to collect personal information and how that ties into consent and notification. 


newsletter video.pngEpisode 4

Effective security safeguards are the focus of the fourth and final installment of the PrivacyRight video series. We tag along with Joan on a routine trip to the dentist and learn how effective security safeguards can be as simple as keeping all areas accessible to the public free of personal information to more complex considerations.