Proactive Disclosure
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is committed to openness and transparency in its operations and activities. This section of our website contains documents and data the OIPC releases on a routine basis to the public.
Use of data sets on this website are subject to our Open Data Licence, which is based on the Canadian Open Data Licence version 2.0.
Use the navigation bar to your left to review a variety of documents and datasets, including:
Contracts Over $10,000 In February 2014, the OIPC began publishing information about contracts awarded by or on behalf of the office, where the contract value is $10,000 or more. This information is published on a quarterly basis in an open format.
Report Data When appropriate, the OIPC may publish additional datasets to accompany the release of a Special Report.
Travel Expenses The Commissioner has publicly reported all travel expenses incurred in the course of his or her duties since 2004. Starting in February 2014, the Commissioner's travel expenses are published quarterly in an open data format. Starting in June 2020, the Deputy Commissioners' travel expenses are published in an open data format.
Additional Expenses The OIPC is committed to publishing additional datasets as available.
We want your feedback on our data! If you have questions, comments, or ideas about future data sets, email us at or Tweet us at @BCInfoPrivacy.