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10 tips for public bodies managing requests for records

Last week we released a tip sheet for public bodies managing requests for records, in conjunction with our audit report examining the access to information policies and procedures of WorkSafeBC.

Audits are an important way to check in with public bodies and organizations to see what works, and what doesn’t. In our most recent audit, we found that WorkSafeBC has developed a number of practices that indicate a successful information and privacy program. A secure online portal where individuals can view their own claims information, and early resolution tactics such as responding to straightforward requests same day are just two examples that other public bodies and organizations can leverage.

Based on the findings of this and previous reports, we put together our top 10 tips to assist public bodies managing requests for records.

You can check out our full tip sheet here.

To read the full WorkSafeBC audit report, click here.

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