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Understanding Notification and Consent: #PrivacyRight tools for May

Getting #PrivacyRight means respecting the trust that individuals place in organizations that collect, use or disclose their personal information. People should be confident that businesses will collect their personal information appropriately and in a straightforward manner and, where needed, only after they have provided meaningful consent.

Responding to this need is not only the ethical choice, it’s good business. In an opinion column in the Province newspaper to mark Privacy Awareness Week, Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael McEvoy discussed how privacy is good for business and the importance of transparency regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.  

PrivacyRight Webinar 4 – Understanding Notification and Consent offers an informative look into these two interrelated pillars of a successful privacy program. What are the different types of consent? Do you have to obtain consent in all circumstances? How do you ensure you obtain meaningful consent to collect, use or disclose personal information?

Employee personal information adds another dimension to the discussion. The webinar explains how employee PI is a bit different under PIPA. Curious about the legal obligations around the information you receive from prospective job applicants? What about the implications of scanning a potential hire's Facebook profile? Check out our latest PrivacyRight webinar and the following guidance documents to learn more.

And in our third release in our #PrivacyRight series of animated pop-up videos, we take another look at privacy in a real-world scenario. Last month, we learned the basics of notification and consent. This month it’s back to the dentist office with Joan as we take a look at the authority to collect personal information and how that ties into consent and notification. Check out the video!

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