Privacy Awareness Week 2016 celebrates 10 years
Each year in the beginning of May, privacy professionals around the world celebrate Privacy Awareness Week (PAW). Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, the initiative was started by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) back in 2006 to promote and raise awareness for numerous privacy issues and the importance of protecting information.
I believe that PAW is an important week to celebrate, as privacy risks are prevalent due to our fast-pasted technological world. It is up to us now more than ever to be diligent about protecting our privacy.
We are very pleased to be joining other APPA members from around the world as we focus on providing resources to help you take data protection into your own hands. The following posters demonstrate various ways you can take control, by double-checking who your emails are addressed to, checking out privacy settings, being diligent about recognizing potential scams and checking with others before posting photos online.
We will be sharing the posters below and additional guidance documents on Twitter throughout the week. You can follow all PAW related posts using #PAW2016. Please feel free to share with your friends and colleagues, and happy Privacy Awareness Week!