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OIPC Blog - Drew McArthur

Drew McArthur

Drew McArthur

Acting Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C.

About the Author

DREW MCARTHUR is best known for his role as the former Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer at TELUS, where he was responsible for the development and implementation of TELUS’ privacy policy, which has been independently recognized as a nationwide industry-leading policy.

Drew was a founding member of the Canadian Council of Chief Privacy Officers, operating in conjunction with the Conference Board of Canada, and was a long-standing member of their executive committee. In 2004 he founded a cross-industry networking association in British Columbia to assist privacy practitioners in B.C. with understanding the implications of private sector privacy legislation. In 2006 Drew worked with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), an international organization dedicated to privacy education, to develop the Canadian professional certification program, and was one of the first individuals to achieve the designation of Certified International Privacy Professional of Canada (CIPP/C). He has many years of experience dealing with compliance and privacy issues at a practical level, and has worked throughout Canada to represent industry and other stakeholders on various initiatives. 

Since his retirement from TELUS in 2007, Drew has continued to work in the field of privacy and compliance with his consulting practice, ensuring his clients have the appropriate controls, policies and measurements in place to be compliant with many areas of law and regulation. Drew has been on the External Advisory Board of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC since 2010, so he is familiar with the operational functions of the office.

Drew lives in the Lower Mainland where he participates in hockey regularly, and is active in the volunteer community as the past chair of the national board of The Arthritis Society.

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